Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Sweet Love, I can't stop !


I just can't live without him/her! She is my everything! I would die for her!

Oh sweet love........ It seems to control you little by little. It's like a cancer that starts in the heart and spreads to your mind. Causing you to constantly think about that person. Everything you do your thought is " I wonder if he/she is thinking about me? Looking at my profile pictures? Or wondering about me as I am about him/her?"

When is this going to end? I don't understand it seems to control me. I know he/she is not right for me but, the heart wants what it wants. I can't control it. The heart demands not me. So in order to make your heart or desire to be at rest you, give it what it wants. Feeding the desire, feeding the thoughts.

My friend, be careful! Use your intelligence. How many times do I see youngsters constantly making wrong choices in their love life? In the end, have many relationships just to feel better for awhile.

Why? Because of one simple word: EMOTIONS.Teens love this..their heart, it's as if it's their best friend. It's not wrong to invest in your love life. But, when you start to feed something that isn't right is when it becomes a danger! It goes like this...just one text leads to long phone calls...just one long phone call leads to constantly  wanting to drop everything to respond to the person message...and on and. It only snowballs bigger. Don't get me wrong, we are human not robots. So we have feelings and emotions. But at times, especially us women/girls, like to let our heart control us in everything. I am referring to knowing that what you're doing is wrong or keeping that relationship that is bad for you, but you continue to feed the wrong desire.

Many make their spouse or loved one their first in all they do. It seems that as a teenager, your emotions are a roller coaster! One day you like someone then the next day your thinking , wow he is the love of my life! My dear friend, you who is wondering why is this happening to me? I just can't stop! You can. Did you know you can control your heart? Yes. You just have to take charge and say NO HEART. If you know that that desire you have is destroying you then, you have the authority to say NO heart. Don't let your heart control you my friend but, overcome and take charge. It truly hurts me to see many girls in this situation. Constantly wanting to be loved but they don't love themselves first. Be wise.

Don't fall into the trap of "Follow your heart", which is the biggest lie people tell each other. My darlings, you can be strong. And have a fulfilled life. All you need is truly to put God first not your love life.

Don't continue to feed the wrong desires, because then it just makes a big mess to clean up in the end. Don't fall into this trap of your heart. It only has disaster in the end!
Be strong, and in these small tips you will be an overcomer is all :) and a beautiful woman inside and out.

God Bless, glad to have helped you through this small experience i have had.
-Natalie :)

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