Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Two types of Intentions

Definition of intentions...The purpose or attitude toward the effect of one's action or conduct.

Depending on our true purpose when we do things will show who are as a person. This will reveal the desires of our heart, our thoughts, and our sincerity.

See the power of intentions !

1. Bad intentions
What are they? These are the types of intentions that usually you are the center of it all. Everything you seem to do has a purpose to please yourself. To make your life be a piece of cake. Even when you seem to have a good intention, by helping someone else, but in truly you only take that action to please others so they don't judge you. Or say nothing bad about you. So your image seems to be in jeopardy. In the end the reason or purpose in YOU!  Your classmate ask you to help her with her school work because she doesn't understand. She seems to catch things slower and then her asking for help boils your blood because she took you out of focus in doing your own work. You say "Yes sure" but the only reason why you're doing it is because you don't want her to think bad about you or think your impolite or rude.

2.Good Intentions
These are the kind that make you a more amusing person. People seem to see a difference in you they just don't understand. People love to go to you for help or a question because they know you won't criticize them or laugh at them. In everything you do your desire is good. Your mother or someone corrects you and tells you how you're doing something wrong. You are displeased but not at the person. You take the correction and say to yourself this is a chance for me to grow and be better. You decide to clean the kitchen when before your mother gets home , not to receive her good comments but you do it so she can rest that day. You do it to truly help her not to show anybody that you are better than someone else. A friend ask for a tip because she doesn't know well how to do her hair, but you do. You decide to do it to see your friend get better and smile. Not to show "Look at me I can do it and you can't".

What do I do if i see myself in the bad category?
Start working day by day! In every action you do change your strategies don't be sad about it but work (another topic in another post,stay posted).

Which one can you relate to? My dear analysis yourself.
Leave your comments and share with a friend.

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