Saturday, March 12, 2016

My House

Hello my dear blog readers! It's been awhile since I've been here. Today I have a story....

I was speaking to some friends today when someone asked me about my house that I have lived in since I was a child. It has such a great meaning....

The house I currently live in is a two-story house. My dad now has a his dream boat but you know it wasn't always like this. It all started form the bottom. When I was not even born my parents lived with my dad's mother. And the revolt of my mother is what caused my family growth. She didn't accept the to have little and not the best. She always has this tendency to want to improve daily. It started with a empty lot. From there my dad began building the foundation of our house. They moved in when it wasn't fully built having to sleep on the wooden floors. As the years passed....

The house was only one story. It had wooden walls and wooden floors with no color. Then other year
passed... The walkway was changed. My dad broke down the wall and made a counter go across the top and added color and texture to the walls. Then...The wooden floors began to have life. Tiles were put on the floor. Then...Glass tiles. Then, they decided to add one more level of floor on the top of the one floor we had.

Then more other year... The counter was made with a nice glass tile and green trimming were added. Then flat screen Tv were added hanging on the wall. (And my dad even got his dream boat)

Then another year...The furniture was removed and new furniture was bought. A another stove and refrigerator was added to. 

This year... As seen in the picture  above my dad is added a addition to the house. Another room, which I think it might be a dining room and extending the kitchen we have now. And the plan is to add a underground pool this year also in the back!

So what's the point? 

You know my friend. We have to be like this house. As the years have passed the house has been improving and getting better every year because one person had vision (my mother). And my dad being encouraged by mom to keeping going and improving. This is the vision we need to have for ourselves and improve every day, and year! It was sacrifice but my parents decided to invest over the year and put in more and more. In the beginning it was just a land with no house..nothing. It started from the bottom and building a good foundation. What is this good foundation? Our spiritual life. This is what will keep the rest of the house standing. The rest of "our house" is our love life, family, dreams, goals, jobs,etc. If you have the vision to grow everyday and to sacrifice on behalf of this growth then constantly you will be being better and better! Just as this  house! to grow it take a lot of humbleness and willingness.

In faith.
Natalie :) 

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