Friday, July 8, 2016

Cries of Complain

Hi my dear blog readers! It has sure been a long time since I've been here. Our topic here today has been in my mind this whole week and wanted to share. Everything we learn and put into practice makes fruits 😉.

The people of Israel were slaves and God set them free. God had chosen the people of Israel and made a promise for them and even did many miracles before their eyes. I mean after all they were slaves and not only lived as slaves but had a mind of a slave. 

In fact they never could take possession of that promise until they got revolted with the situation and cried out to God. Demanding a change. 

Now that they were free and God sent them to the desert in where the biggest problem arose. God gave them everything ! Even the manna (food) would come from the heavens every morning. God always

Saturday, March 12, 2016

My House

Hello my dear blog readers! It's been awhile since I've been here. Today I have a story....

I was speaking to some friends today when someone asked me about my house that I have lived in since I was a child. It has such a great meaning....

The house I currently live in is a two-story house. My dad now has a his dream boat but you know it wasn't always like this. It all started form the bottom. When I was not even born my parents lived with my dad's mother. And the revolt of my mother is what caused my family growth. She didn't accept the to have little and not the best. She always has this tendency to want to improve daily. It started with a empty lot. From there my dad began building the foundation of our house. They moved in when it wasn't fully built having to sleep on the wooden floors. As the years passed....

The house was only one story. It had wooden walls and wooden floors with no color. Then other year

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Hello dear readers, 

I was thinking about this today....Laziness is referred to whenever we decide not to take action or react to the situation. It's like this....

You know you have a lot of chores, homework, to do but you decide in that moment not to do it just because you don't feel like it. This is what it is! You even have a lot of time on your hands to finish all the things on your "To Do" list but still in that situation. We often say...mhmm later not now. 

When we do this we pile more and more things on ourselves and do nothing about it. Even at times I talked to youths in school that say they get home from school and all they do is, sleep, and watch videos till late at night and then get ready for bed for school the next day. I think how can someone live in this state? Constantly doing the same thing over and over without ever taking a step forward. When you don't take steps forward your are taking TWO steps BACK! 

Use your time wisely. Because many times we say "I don't have time" but indeed we do. 

Think about this: "The soul of the lazy man desires nothing, But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich." (Proverbs 13:4)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Truth: Your Interior Secret

Hello Dear readers and friends ,

Today while I was in school I was noticing a something so profound within people. But dear you must be sincere with yourself in order to cause this inner change..........

Who are you when you are alone? What are your thoughts? Do you find yourself with more negative thoughts or perhaps worrying so much?

Can I tell you a little secret?......

You are completely sad and depend on the exterior things , such as a boyfriend, family, friends, music, fashion, etc. Though you say it isn't true but, it seems that you have a hard time to smile. You use material things to cause a smile. Sometimes it is evident in the face of the person and other times it truly hidden. Only you know who you are when no one is around. Without all these exterior things i mentioned above, if they were to never exist...How would you then be happy? Hide the sadness?

But , hope is NOT lost! This is not something physical needed to fight but a spiritual battle. Every heard of a spiritual world? Darkness and light? Did you know there is a way to fight all this sadness and darkness?

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Growth series Introduction

Hi dear readers!

First before today's topic thank you for reading it's a great pleasure to be here with you. Keep sharing! Glad to see that there had been views from Russia and India ! 

I'm here to share with you a new series I will began today. Growth. Change can cause road blocks and stumbles along the way. That is why we will learn how to overcome anything and everything that comes our way. Don't you want to be a overcomer? Stop suffering the same problem you had for years !? Growth is

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