Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Importance Of Saving A Life


Hello everyone! Glad to be back ,sorry there has just been so much going on. :) 

Well today I wanted to share something that impacted me. Yesterday I watched the movie "To save a life" . This movie shows how important saving souls is. Many times we are sitting in school,work, a restaurant and we don't realize how much of an impact we can make. We have the power to bless others, especially those who have peace and are children of God. The person you work with or go to school with may be suffering or think about killing themselves, and loosing salvation. 
In the movie a youth gets revolted seeing how people are being hypocrites & not doing anything to add to the kingdom of God. He goes out of his way and he ends of saving thousands of youths who were thinking of suicide. 
Wow! one youth saves thousands from hell! Just because he cared and was only thinking about helping others. Let's analyse ourselves and see if our work for God has be in vain. Your work is useless if your main goal is not to save souls. Then weather you may be a youth leader, assistant, or even a pastor , your work or title is useless if your intention is not to help others and save souls. You are there to save souls. Let us be spiritual and take those out of hell! Don't get distracted and only worry about the work in the church ,but worry about those who are suffering. 

Leave your comment below and let us know your experience when saving souls :) :) Let's all put this into practice.

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