Saturday, April 4, 2015

Dressing for Confidence

Welcome blog readers! In this section there will be new post of things that have to do with beauty and taking care of your exterior to reflect the beauty within ourselves (most importantly), they compliment each other.

This was my wednesday outfit of the day and something important came to mind while wearing this outfit. You know...Dressing yourself up you feel more confident yourself up can install confidence as a woman or young adult? That is today topic because many women don't like to dress up because they feel like they are ugly or have many complexes. Complexes steal a woman beauty and makes her feel inferior to everything and everyone. Whether it is a comment people or make or just looking at others. If you were to appreciate who you are and seek the value God gave to you woman , you would have more of a spark than other woman.

Woman who seek God's value always

will have just a little more of a spark than the other woman who just invest in her exterior. No matter if she is more beautiful than you and looks better or thinner than you. A woman of God doesn't even need much makeup just adding creativity to her look makes it her and that is exactly what is important.

The look above is simple but with a touch of creativity it completes. It contains black pot a dot pants with Orange heals, a yellow tank top and a white blazer cover up, with a touch of a pearl necklace.

TIP: Find your value and dress to compliment your interior (of course in a discrete way).

Warning: Don't dress to call others attention,because that is exactly what takes away from your beauty. 

Ps. Share this post with a friend :) 
Till next time.. Kisses God Bless. 

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