Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Busy, Busy Woman ....

"I need to clean the kitchen, clean the room, go to the store ..... Cook, wash clothes...then fold them.....tomorrow I need to .....clean...clean..cook....work..."
These are the constant thoughts and worries of a busy woman. Every minute of the day she is worried with physical task needed to get done. Its most constantly seen in a mother. She has cook for her husband , care the kids , work , clean the house ...her schedule seems to never end. And at the end of the day she unfulfilled and resting in bed thinking of what she will do the next day. The harder she works to finish her tasks she later realizes that she has no time for nothing else , time for herself , pweh that's out of the question. Time for her spiritual life , oh don't mention it she barley has time to take a seat!
Good news ! I found a solution for you.

" What profit has a man from all his labor in which he toils under the sun? One generation passes away, and another generation comes ; But the earth abides forever " (Ecclesiastes 1:3-4)

If your worry is constantly only your task you forget about the most important , your self growth . Your task will NEVER end everyday there will always be things needed to get done (The earth will abide forever) . Don't think you can work until you finish. You'll spend the rest of your life working hard in vain. Later then to ask your self where all your time went ? 
Take a deep breathe and stop. Do the things that are most important first and make a schedule of days to clean certain things. Don't try to do everything at one time. It will be nearly impossible and at the end of the day you'll be frustrated. Your task shouldn't be at the top of your list. This is all in vain and this is the reason I see many woman frustrated in life. Complaining how they don't have time for anything and cry because they are incomplete. Priortize you first , your time with God , there will always be things needed to get done, but don't waste your efforts and energy all in your task. When you are to caught up your task consequently you start to negect yourself, the people around you , and even your loved ones. You start to make people feel a burden to speak with you because your just so busy. 
Are you a busy woman? What has it cost you? 
PS. Mediatate on the verse above because its your cure. This post was for you woman , because us woman are always a victim of being busy. We live to be busy and when we aren't it feels strange to us lol. Think about it ! And share with your friends :) 
- Natalie :) 

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