Thursday, July 23, 2015

Oh those heels !

Hello darlings!

Yesterday was my first experience with heels (Lol). Shoes are always what makes your outfit stand out. I'm not a shoes person or am a professional because I am not. But I'm here to help you girls in everything I see can help you to be a beautiful daughter for the Lord Jesus!
I remember absolutely I despised heels. But you know heels makes you a confident bold woman ! I also remember I was always so insecure about my looks and my outfits;  because I always thought my friend was always more beautiful than me. And she got more attention (wrong kind of attention) because of her beauty. 
But, today she is lost and is unfulfilled. Your outward beauty can only get you so far because you will always feel incomplete without the joy of God inside of you. This comes by obeidence, ssacrifice, and submitting to Him.

Tips for wearing Heels
- walk heel to toe (this makes you look like a professional and not sloppy) *Very important*
- Right kind of event or place  ( know when to wear them; special occasions)
-Right kind of heel (make sure not to exaggerate your heels , key is discretion)
- Your outfit ( this is the highlight of it all, making sure all the colors match and the heels don't down grade your look in all)
- Your posture ! ( This is very important , stand straight with your shoulders down , it makes you more confident and also good for your health.)

PS. When I wore my heels after church Wednesday , we went to Walmart and that is not the place to wear them lol. Till next time darlings! Kisses .
-Natalie :)

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