Thursday, July 30, 2015

Chapter 4...The Story of the Diamond Necklace

As they leave Maddie's house she arms the alarm system and locks the door.
"This is your car? Was is all this stuff?" , Maddie ask
"Yes! This is Bertha .."
"Bertha ? You name your cars ?" , Maddie's chuckles
"Yes , don't you?" , the woman replies
" And by the way all this stuff is valuable , things police have in their cars ", brags the woman
"Ughh, I can't find any signal?!" , Maddie says frustrated
" Oh , in this car you can't find signal .."
"What?! I've been offline for already 3 minutes! " and by this time Maddie is getting inpatient.
" wow , really ..3mintues?!" , the woman says to her
"Yes , I'm missing updates to see if I'm still in the lead for prom queen. Anna is almost getting more votes than me and she cannot win!"
Maddie quickly hides. The woman looks at her wondering what is wrong with her. Maddie reveals to the woman that she is hiding because there is a car next to them full of cute boys and she can't be seen in a piece of junk. The woman gets offended  when Maddie calls her car a piece of junk that she seeks a way to embarrass Maddie.
The woman rolls down the window and pulls out a huge microphone.
"Oh , hey Maddie we didn't see you " , one of the boys says to Maddie through the window as Maddie was trying to hid.
"Oh, hey Justin,John, Jack, and Brandon, and Brian" , in enbrassment Maddie says...
" I got your vote right?" ,Maddie asks
"Yeah , definitely ..."
The light turns green and as they were taking off , the woman saw that they threw trash out the window and  laughed. Furious and just to embarrass Maddie more. The woman puts a police light out the window and chases their car yelling, "PULL OVER THE VEHICLE !"
"What are you doing?!" ,Maddie yells

The woman gets off the car as the boys pull over.
"Excuse me boys , you were caught  littering and I can take you pretty boys in and I'm sure pretty boys like you won't like that." , the woman says intimidating them
"No lady please , what do you want? ", they ask
"I want you to go back now , pick it up and throw it in trash ..NOW"
The guy in the back , gets up in fear and picks up his trash he threw ..
"Why thank you! ..." " AND KEEP YOUR MUSIC DOWN!!" , the woman orders and gets in her car.
Oh how Maddie was embarrassed. This woman was driving her crazy all she wanted was for this day to end. Her perfect world was getting more imperfect every minute. It was just too much....
(To be continued)
PS. Lol, Maddie wants everything to be so perfect. She has a disease called being a perfectionist. Every minute she gets more frustrated. But today's lesson is how ALL Maddie thinks about is her social status and what others think of her. You know what you worry about the most and think about the most throughout your day , is exactly was is your treasure. That is what exactly you love the most. What do you think about constantly? Do you think about your boyfriend ? Husband constantly? What do you love the most? Because if its not God , you will loose it and be incomplete. Nothing and no one can fill the place God can.
-Be blessed , Sincerely Natalie (:

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