Tuesday, December 30, 2014

How sweet are those Righteous Words !


Hello everyone sorry I haven't posted in awhile but I am back :) with the last part of the series "words have power".

"For my mouth will speak truth; Wickedness is an abomination to my lips. All the words of my mouth are with righteousness; Nothing crooked or perverse is in them. " (proverbs 8:7-8)

"For my mouth will speak truth; Wickedness is an abomination to my lips. All the words of my mouth are with righteousness; Nothing crooked or perverse is in them. " (proverbs 8:7-8)

Who is this person this verse is speaking about? This verse speaks about the Lord Jesus Himself. The Lord Jesus comes and says exactly the right thing you need to hear at the right time.
 His words are just so sweet and gentle. So sweet to our soul! Those moments where your just so stressed out and overwhelmed, that sweet voice comes and says, 

"Don't worry my son/daughter I am with you". Just to know the Creator of the universe is right by your side just makes you strong! This is when you have a true relationship with Him. No one needs to convince you because He is there inside of you through every minute and second of the day.

God doesn't deceive the person or make them "feel guilty", as people say when they comes to church. They feel guilty because they were full of darkness and that darkness was exposed, by the light. God is the light, He will always expose what is in the darkness. That's why we must always be in the light because it exposes our darkness , therefore showing our mistakes. When we see our mistakes and flaws we have the chance to fix them and by doing this it will be purifying ourselves everyday!

What a privilege and honor it will be when we enter the presence of God (by praying) and the big smile it will bring across the Lord Jesus sitting on His throne. He will be happy every time we come before His throne because we will be pure before Him.

The Lord Jesus was always blessing people. Everywhere He went , there was light. He was different from everyone and they knew that, so did Jesus. Why? He always spoke words of life. Never did you hear a curse word come out of Him. These words of life healed the sick, saved people from hell, and transformed lives! Wow! How great is that. Imagine in the same way bad words impact other lives. Imagine those words that bless others. Your words have the ability to transform lives, heal the sick , and save those in living in hell. People in this world, especially teens, make fun of others just to make themselves feel better. Or say things they don't mean out of anger. What you say show what is truly in your heart and who you are.

Be the light everywhere you go! You will shine and lift those around you. They will love to be around you because you are so attractive in your character! Your words truly make you beautiful inside. People will wonder why they just love being with you ...why is he/she so different?

Task for the week , (if you want to do it, I will): Be a positive influence on others around you and give to a friend or family member a word that will bless them or lift them up. To do this you must look for opportunities and be attentive to things around you. You will react in a different way. Instead of getting angry fast and saying something you don't mean out of anger , you will help someone who really needs it. If you decide to do this challenge or task...comment below and say #IWILLBLESSOTHERS , and also comment what you did in order to finish this task and how it helped you as a person. 
Ps. I loved posting this post for you guys and I want to hear your comments :)
ps-2: This was the second time I had to type this message because when I posted it the computer deleted it ! :o lol The first time I typed it was better . but by faith , im sure you will still understand and be blessed.

Till next time Kisses:) My Joy is sharing with you giving to you , What God shares with me , I will give to you :) :) :) 

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