Monday, January 19, 2015

You are what you eat!

Hello my fellow blog readers! I was so happy to see my blog got views from South Africa! Keep sharing and be blessed :)

Above is a commercial I saw on tv a long time ago and didn't understand the phrase , " You are what you eat". I thought and thought about it until a few years later this phrase became a reality in my life. Recently this phrase came to my mind and I immediately  remember this commercial (watch above to understand better).

In the commercial it shows the difference between the kids. The kid who drank the sidekick pediasure is more energetic and is scoring points. While the other kids who ate donuts or greasy french fries are running slower and the mom is regretting taking a child through drive-thru :D. Lol.

When you eat things from the world and your cup (your mind) is filled with worldly things and insecurities you are just like those kids who ate french fries. It is unhealthy to your body (spiritual life). When you keep doings things of the flesh and things that have nothing to do with God or don't add to your life you become slower and unhealthy in your spiritual life. But yet you just keep wondering why you feel like you do or why you don't grow it is because of what your heart and mind is filled with is unhealthy to your spiritual life. This is what happened to me. I will give you my personal experience. On my free time I noticed  I was on social networks, messaging friends, and watching movies just for entertainment. Then later I would go to church and be filled with HEALTHY FOOD , but after I would fill myself with fleshy food. So therefore the HEALTHY FOOD wasn't enough because of the rest the UNHEALTHY food i would eat throughout my day.

Healthy foods are when you read your bible, learn something new, pray..etc , basically do things that add and are useful in your life. You will become energetic and healthy! Think of it as a workout. In order to get good results you must workout and eat well to see good results.

How do I get healthy? By emptying yourself of the useless things and filling yourself with USEFUL things.
How do I know if i am healthy or unhealthy? See deep inside who you are. How do you react when someone makes you angry? What do you say? Do you Gossip? If some of these answers are yes, then you are unhealthy and you are baring unhealthy fruits. Who are you when no one is around? Analyse yourself and see.

You make yourself  who you are by the things that you consume.
Remember this Phrase : " YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT"  !
I have been putting this into practice and I am seeing Great results! I am sure if you do the same you will to.

Next week the Universal Church is starting 21 Fast of Daniel is starting , Jan.29-Feb 9th, in this same spirit, To be filled with God's presence we are detoxing from internet, media, movies,etc. ; everything that disconnects us from God in order to spend more time doing useful things to have more of Him. By praying and reading our Bible more. You are welcome to join! I invite all of you.

Thanks for reading and I am sure you received this blessing and inspiration I have received :) ! Hope you enjoyed as much as I enjoyed writing to you. Kisses and Hugs. God Bless

Ps. Don't forget to share and I always love to hear your feedback :)

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